1. What single thing would you like to make absolutely certain you do (if at all possible) during your lifetime?
2. How do you think a person can keep from becoming a workaholic?
3. What character can you imagine yourself to be? (any period of history)
4. What are you reading that is not an assignment or required by your work?
5. How are your growing personally?
6. In a conversation with someone who has never heard about God, what would you say about Him from your experience?
7. How would you describe your father and his impact on your life?
8. Tell me about your mentor and his/her impact on your life.
9. What do you think would probably surprise most people about you? Why?
10. What is your greatest strength, and what are you doing to develop it?
11. Why do people do what they do? What are the assumptions you make about people?
12. How do you handle pressure? When the pressure is really on, what do you need from your friends?
13. Has anything ever happened to you that was dramatic, personal or spectacular enough to cause you to be certain there is a God who is both infinite and personally caring?
14. What do you consider to be two major turning points in your life?
15. What is something you consider to be a great personal success? Why was it so significant?
16. What is the key to maintaining balance in your life?
17. What are 2 or 3 major truths upon which you have based your decision-making?
18. Tell me about two of your life-long friends and why they have such an impact on your life. What made you choose them?
19. Have you dealt with the questions? “How much money is enough, and what do I do with the rest?”
20. How would you describe your mother and the impact she has had on your life?
21. In your opinion, who was/is Jesus Christ?
22. If you could know God personally, would you be interested?
23. How would you define materialism, and how do you deal with it in your life?
24. What have you found to be the best way of absorbing disappointment, rejection, distress and discouragement?
25. When you get to heaven, what will be the first three questions you will ask God?
26. If you were to inherit a million dollars today, and couldn’t spend it on your own enterprise or keep it for yourself, what would you do with it and why?
27. What do you find most attractive about the person of Christ?
28. Do you consider yourself a seeker of the truth?
29. Have you ever read the Bible?
30. Have you ever discussed what Biblical Christianity is?
31. What is your philosophy of life based on?
32. Do you believe what you’ve been brought up with?
33. What are you living for? What do you value most?
34. The Kennedy questions: First ask–”If you died today, do you know for sure you’d go to heaven?” Then ask–”If you died and stood before God and He asked you ‘Why should I let you into Heaven?’ What would you say?”
35. How do you know you’ll go to heaven when you die?
Source: Adapted from
1) What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘music’? 2) What does music mean to you? 3) What would life be like without music? 4) Which is more important to you, music or TV? 5) What kind of music do you like? 6) How have your musical tastes changed since you were a kid? 7) What sort of music can change the way you feel? 8) What’s the best time and place to listen to music? 9) Where does the best music come from, the USA, UK or other? 10) What decade has produced the best music? 1) How did your musical tastes vary? 2) What artists/band do you want to see at a music festival? 3) What musical genres do you really hate? 4) Do you think most of the music (say 90%) is rubbish? 5) Is the Internet helping or hindering musicians? 6) Do you agree with Shakespeare that music is the food of love? 7) What new music have you bought or listened to recently? 8) What do you think of the music your parents listen to? 9) Why do humans like music so much? 10) What do you think of the music they play at supermarkets and elevators? Source: Adapted from
1) What springs to mind when you hear the term ‘social networking’? 2) Hasn’t social networking been a part of human society for tens of thousands of years? 3) Have you joined any social networking sites? Are they fun? 4) Are social networking sites for people who aren’t good at meeting people face to face? 5) What’s the best social networking site? 6) Should companies ban their employees from using social networking sites at work? 7) What new features would you like to see on social networking sites? 8) Do you think social networking could really be called “social networking’? 9) Have you ever tried to find friends on a social networking site? 10) Do you think your country’s leader has a page on a social networking site? What do you think it might contain? 1) What is social networking? 2) What are the pros and cons of social networking? 3) Are social networking sites dangerous? 4) Are you good at networking face to face? 5) Isn’t social networking just a fancy name for meeting people and keeping in touch? 6) Should children be allowed to use social networking sites? 7) Is it possible that social networking sites make people lonelier? 8) Which sites of famous people would you like to join? 9) Would you prefer to meet new people at a party or online? 10) Are social networking sites changing our daily behaviour? Source: Adapted from